COX CABLE-Is AMTEL really a PRIME for you ????
Member #: 22289
Registered: 3/11/2003
David C. Mayo, Jr.
David C., Jr Mayo
Farmerville, La.
I hope someone with Cox Cable will get in touch with me. I am not hiding or not answering my phone. AMTEL lured us to Fairfax with pretence of having a year's worth of work. We worked THREE days out of six. On those 3 days we ran out of materials all three days, so we had to go but materials to finish their jobs. David Ramsaran(President of AMTEL) agreed to pay us on Friday or no later than Monday. On Friday, he started changing the pay arangements that we had with him and his supervisor(?), Matt Verna. They used each other to lie and change the arrangements to where AMTEL would not pay. We begged both David and Matt to just pay our motel bill so we could stay and work, but they chose not to. We just enough money to either pay for the room or go home. So not knowing when or if we would get paid, we felt we had no choice but to go home(942 miles one way). They could not provide enough materials to do one job that was complete, underground was not installed, permits expired, etc. I even had Matt to preview my invoice Wednesday morning to make sure everything was o.k. He said it was perfect. BULL!!!! Why would a want-a-be prime do this? I think they are subbing and just telling everyone they are a prime. Someone else is furnishing the materials to them????

This is CABL.com posting #104035. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mBd9
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