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Re: Can someone please explain?

Having work for a large prime as a project manager for over 10 years. I have seen contracts come and go and have worked with a lot of subs, I know from this if you tell your subs and employees the contract coming to an end they will leave you holding all the cleanup as they run to the next contract. lets face it everyone MSO, Primes, & subs are out to make money, and not all are honest and up front, not because they want to be that way but because this business makes you be that way. I think there is a lot of you that need to sit back and take a close look at the industry, I have been it for almost 20 years and I see no major changes, yes work is slow but this happens every 6-8 years and then it booms for 6-8 years, The last Boom lasted a lot longer and a lot of guys jumped on the gravy train and now they are all crying, but the fact is these are the same guys that hurt the industry the got greedy ran up prices and did **** ass work, and now the MSO have said enough dropped the prices and raised the bar of quality back where it should be.
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Re: Can someone please explain? CableJoeX 4/6/2003 4:50:00 PM