At the Headend you'll need a server (Telephone equipment), which will control the forward and return signal.
You'll probably have two fiber optic, one of them sending signal from 50 to 750 or 870 MHz, where some frequency will transmit the tel data.
The other fiber will bring signal back from customer to the HE in the frequency range of 5 to 40 MHz. These two fiber will start at the HE and finish at a NODE.
Following the NODE you'll have coaxial cable running bi-directionnal from 5 to 40 ... 50 to 750 or 870 MHz, and each customer will be hoock up by a multitap, from where a RG-59 or RG-6 will distribute the signal to each costumer.
On the side of the house, you'll have some sort of equipment, that will transmit and receive signal from the IP or other type of telephone equipment from the HE.
Do you require more information on the subject, please let me know.
Re: brief overview of catv telephony please
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