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Re: Florida Crackin down in Sat and Cable contract

Well I just found out.. Here's the deal guys....

After speaking with my boss.  He told me he has been given time to comply with the State Law.  The company I contract for doesn't even have a license ether. He is going to apply for it and take the classes. Its going to take 6 month's and the States going to give him time.  They don't want to put him or me out of business but this is a State wide crack down.  From our talk he was saying they already have worked with Dish in the area to enforce this issue.  I was wondering why most of the Dish subs are in-house and sub partners aer employee based "MIS Source".

Comcast in my area is also requiring all sub partners be employee based.  Its like there starting from the bottom of the state up lol.  Why didnt they clean up TallaHassEE and they work down to Ft Laud. Theres a cable sub always advertising employee I think I might apply.   
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