Yes, I agree with them both be careful
>I could not agree more with Joe Blow!!!!!!!!!!! He knows what he's talking about and anyone interested should listen to his words carefully. I have been down this road with Orius myself and have been treated unfairly. They have not paid me in full for my services rendered and also baulked on many promises made by them. They have a lot of nerve and have forced me to persue matters legally to obtain what they owe me. Watch yourself, for if this is how they treat there inhouse people, imagine what they do to subs? Be careful and Merry Christmas to all!
>>Orius sucks, I personaly have never worked for them, but I know people that do and others that have. They hold the maintaince contract in my town, and what they pay ought to be a crime. As a result of their low pay, they attract sub-standard people. Any company that under bids a job so bad that they are forced to pay those kind of prices is not one I would choose to work for. So not only do they fuck up a good job, they also fuck up their own reputation....
>>>I am a sub looking for some views on contracting for and orius based company. What do you thing of Orius and is it a good company to work for? I know a little about it and all and was looking or some info on it.By my thinking as big as they are I sould not have any problems with them but the usuall but like I said I don't know to much about them.
Re:Input on Orius Company
Member #: 9065
Registered: 1996-2001
Danny D & Jacqui
Danny D & Jacqui
Fiber Fly Communications
~33 years
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