Re: For Sale: Slightly used Balls of Fire
Member #: 695
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I think I found your testicles , nope my bad , this illegal alien says their his , I gotta run carry him to the hospital ("NOT") I'll just get a big box and send him home (" NOT") well lets see my commercial fisherman friend is paying .50 a pound for scrap fish for his crab pots , let me call him , la de da da da , hello I got some super crab bait for you but I want $!.00 a pound its the chit . He says , what the hell is so special about it , I answered , its imported . He said how much you got???? I said how much you want there's a plentiful supply . He says bring me a cooler full and I'll try it , Duck .....I'm on my way. Two days later he calls me back . He says Duck you Da man and you got the chit. I never caught so many crabs , he said whats in that chit , I said its a secret , I told you its imported . He said I'll take three tons . Duck had to think quick , I said give me a few days , ok he says . So I went down and put an add in the paper , it read help wanted , must be an illegal alien , don't speak english , must be able to feed crabs , paying cash .The phone rang off the hook . Duck is looking to retire, I've found the way , Id just like to ask Congress to Please pass Mr Bush's amnesty bill . Duck has a plan , Tell them I've got jobs for all of them here in N.C. . I'm calling my new business the N.C. Imported Crab Company . My slogan , its all in what you feed them that gives them that imported taste . Well the Next thing you know Jer's a millionare , kin folks said man you need to move away from there , they said California is where you otta be , the place is full of illegals you see. Morale to the story , if you think what I wrote is crazy write your congressmen and send them this story and tell them a Red Neck sent it to ya. Maybe when they read it they will realize how ludracrist the amnesty bill is . Thanks for reading . By the way , good tazer joke

I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD
This is CABL.com posting #192598. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mYgA
Posted in reply to: For Sale: Slightly Used Tazer by cmf8114
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