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UG Bore Crew Needed

Contractor: Corp-to-Corp



Per Foot

Other Requirements

Insurance and all equipment to do the job. Must be equipped to drill rock.

Job Description

We have several contracts in Alabama and are seeking a subcontractor to handle some of our bore work, we are looking for a crew with 2-3 drills. Must have drills equivalent to 20/22 and larger and must be equipped with rock drilling capabilities. Most of our work are 3 - 1.25" duct packages. Must be equipped to drill rock and set handholes. You will be asked to sign NDA before discussing prices. You will be required to have 1 million dollar insurance policy, commercial auto insurance, and Umbrella policy.


x x x x Canceled/Expired Listing x x x x

listed • expires
job listing #116135 • tiny link