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1981 Ok.. murder case

The following link is to a news report abouyt a 1981 murder of a young girl in Oklahoma. New evidence has been found. A cable trouble ticket book was found in her apartment dated the morning of her murder.  They have asked everyone to look at this to see if anyone reconizes the initials that are on the trouble ticket. Yes this is an old old case but maybe this new evidence and someone on here might know somethign about it. Please read the story at this link:

 That site will explain it all and show u the trouble ticket.  It says there is a reward for info. 

This is posting #365246. Tiny Link:
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: 1981 Ok.. murder case LocoDawg 7/12/2015 7:09:04 PM
Re: 1981 Ok.. murder case cabtel 1/6/2015 12:45:18 AM