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Re: The best saying to sum up Ex Pres Bush and Fri

First asshole I pay my taxes and and since I already have my 40 credits I can collect SS and I don't. why because I aint no fucken freeloader and I don 't want no money from this fucken GOV. and I have suffer alot because I am not a freeloader. And I don't ask anybody to pay my bills.Why don't you right wing assholes like you tell your crooked assholes friends to stop taking bribes from the insurance companies so they are aloud to keep jacking up the prices.If you really think that Obama did the damage in the health ind then you really are a small minded asshhole,who don't know shit and are full of hate. this shit started during Reagan and Bush

Since I do pay my tax's why can't  my taxs go towards my med in stead OF PROTECTING LITTLE BITCHS LIKE you FROM PEOPLE LIKE ME. tHEY CAN WASTE MONEY on the so called drug wars and law enforecent to protec dumb fucks and yes you sound to me to be one.

If they would just cut the defence budget by 50% they could pay for everybodys med.
And still give our troops a raise which asshole like you are against doing.

Why argue with a fool like you who see's only what they want.

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