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Re: drug test herbal incense and botanical (spice)

I would be very careful trying to sneak in stuff taped to your leg for a urine test. like I would want to know what type of place it is first. If it is a small place you might get away with that. if it is a bigger place like a hospital testing place you could be leaving in handcuffs , they are on to all those tricks.

My last drug test was in like a 3 story hospital. I was sitting in waiting room and start hearing some scuffling like a full out brawl behind the locked doors. next thing you know some guy comes out screaming and hollering at the lady behind the window. hes on his cellphone screaming at somebody he was told hes not allowed to leave. a few minutes later 3 state cops came and drug his ass out of there.

some places are more serious than others. some scops bring suspects to. some places state truck drivers and other state drivers are sent to. those type places will watch you piss . they also will not let you leave once you go in. so even if you go in with some shit taped to your leg , you are screwed.

so i would be very careful
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Posted in reply to: Re: drug test herbal incense and botanical (spice) by Kaosodin
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Re: drug test herbal incense and botanical (spice) Nightlife1970 9/26/2012 9:55:56 PM