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richard "rick" lebarron----

if any one has known or worked with rick lebarron(coast to coast) throughout his long career in telecomm,,...    contact his family and offer your support. rick is having the battle of all battles, and is in a nursing home, and is not doing very good at all. in fact he is not expected to make it. not so long ago rick underwent major heart surgery, and was soon after diagnosed with cancer, and has not shown improvement since. chemo has damaged the heart even further, as well as has not had positive results in fighting the cancer . his heart is only working at 20%, and he does not know the full extent of his condition currently.(but those of you who know him, might say his stubborn ass just aint hearing it!!),.... his voice has been lost completely as well. and his family are relaying to him those who have been trying to reach him, have sent their support and such,.  please direct any response to this ad to my pm,  or contact his family directly. HERE'S TO YOU  RICK!!!  a boss, an real richard at times,...   a cabledawg, lineman, contractor, and  MY FRIEND!!!!!!
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