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home made micro wave

how did every body thanks giving go any crazy funny stores or any good cable stores . one comes to mind whit me bout 25 years ago i was living whit my sister and her 3 kids helping her raise them and she didnt have a stove 2 even make thanks giving so i went out and bought her a cheap used 1 it being electric needed a little repair me not noing much then i did sum wiring on it plug it in so it fired up a little proud of my self we went to get the turkey like the norm she put it in early that mournig i went to bed cause i worked nights back then bout a half hour later she is waking me up saying the dam thing is smokeing the stove that is i hurry up in there she franick that the turkey is ruined we get the kids safe i open up the oven hell the dam thing caught on fire in side but it put it self out and what should have took like 3 hours to cook it was done all the way trough no joke of coruce we didnt use the stove no more so we had to cook the fixings at my girl friends house and other friends house needles to say we ate good like late that day true story guys just wanted to share my story . since then ive learned to wire whit out fail lol .
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