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Re: Only $13 for a WF Columbia SC

brighthouse in florida wont even pay for a wallfish....11.50 for any outlet end of story....well thats what their contractors pay for guess is they get 30 from brighthouse for it.....the explanation was given to me by the regional manger for brighthouse.....he said they stopped paying for them because they couldnt verify other words the techs were billing for to many of them ......i would just tell the customer you cant fish the wall because its insulated and do the housewrap ....thats only an opinion....and all the same trip billing is one of those deals where the cable company figures if you are already there so you mayas well do it unless it is on the work order tell the customer they need to reschedule for that service
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Posted in reply to: Re: Only $13 for a WF Columbia SC by Werfer1
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Re: Only $13 for a WF Columbia SC cucommunications 8/9/2011 10:50:51 PM