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Re: multiband corp direct tv

Gotta ring the bell on class action suits:

+ They take a long time.

+ IF they get to trial there is a good chance nothing will happen.

+It is the lawyers and their law firms that get most of the money. Their "expenses" are everything they do to present the case and this is expensive stuff!

+ The defendant may well get slapped with a big judgment. Then the defendant can appeal everything...(see long time comment)

+ The individual plaintiffs eventually receive pennies on the dollar.

My read on class action suits is that they are not a remedy for a wrong. If nothing else has worked then there are legal hired guns around who will go out and damage a defendant. The threat of a class action suite may bring a settlement with more money flowing to the plaintiffs.

My view.


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Posted in reply to: Re: multiband corp direct tv by DigitalSatan
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: multiband corp direct tv digitalphonemike 3/28/2011 1:03:09 PM
Re: multiband corp direct tv InstallerBOB 3/28/2011 12:45:53 PM