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Re: stating new company

Form your company (sole proprietorship, partnership, S-Corporation, C-Corporation) depending on the type of structure you desire. If you don't know which, educate yourself, go to college, night school or attorney to help. Hire a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) to help manage the investment dollars you have to start your do have money, right??? No money? If not keep working for the guy that hired you. If you have money (how much depends on what you want to do, ie: construction, installs, engineering, sales, etc...) hire the best employees / subcontractors you can. Do thorough backgrounds on all of them. Network with your peers (those companies in the same field) and ask them if they have any advice or places where to look for work. is a very good source for example. Draft a contract or professional services agreement for prospective clients, provide great service (good is not good enough) and never quit!!!
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