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Re: contractor or employee: where's the line?

Oh please pal, cut the BS! You're telling me that if I came into your shop in the morning and didn't accept the route, you're gonna continue to route me??? Come on, give me a break. You'd maybe let that slide once or twice but that's it! I understand you need to route work and need consistent help, but please don't come out and say it's a contractor's choice. Maybe once or twice, but after that, you'd cut my legs out and not give me anymore business. As much as contractors have it better than in house techs, you have absolutely ZERO commitment to give them anything and YOU KNOW IT. So don't come across like contractors have a choice and you and other companies are martyrs. You're not and most individual contractors have no choice nor any option but to accept what's given to them OR not work!!!! Get real pal.....
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Posted in reply to: Re: contractor or employee: where's the line? by dpina
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